IBAN-BIC.com (Theano GmbH) » Web Service » Documentation » Documentation: submit_hashes
submit_hashes("hash1;hash2;hash3", "salt1;salt2;salt3", "", "username", "password")
would submit three hashes which have been generated from one IBAN, using three salts which have been generated from the name of the account holder.
Alternative: If you would rather not deal with creating SHA256 hashes yourself, and if you trust us with not permanently storing IBAN and account holder, you can also earn credits by submitting the IBAN and account holder rather than hashes, by using the function submit_iban.
Purpose: If you submit a list of hashes for a combination of IBAN and account holder of which we weren't aware yet, you earn 10 points which you can later use for 10 calls to functions such as validate_iban. To do so, you need to perform the following steps:
echo -n AT13149002201001099961477b49a08f3320dec8390c62fae46337fb52937153a2cd5ee1f326f523ba8c | sha256sumon the command line, or by calling
hash('sha256', 'AT13149002201001099961477b49a08f3320dec8390c62fae46337fb52937153a2cd5ee1f326f523ba8c')in PHP. If you use the Linux command line and echo, it is crucial to pass "-n" to echo, otherwise echo will append a newline character, which would lead to a completely different, and hence useless, hash value.
Input Parameters:
Output Fields:
tns:SubmitIBANResStruct with the following fields: